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TUI/cli terminal bibliography manager. Can read and export bibtex, keeps its files in plaintext (yaml I believe?) and can thus be versioned, even comes with integrated git support.
Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis"
allows content analysis, qualitative, quantitative, etc
Qualitative data analysis for text, images, audio, video. Cross platform. Python 3.6 or newer and PyQt5. - ccbogel/QualCoder
The Knowl Bookshelf aims to be a unified front-end for all of your ebook databases. Often, there may be significant structural differences between various ebook sources (i.e. Project Gutenberg Project, Internet Archive, Open Library, etc). Knowl Bookshelf mutates these differing sources into a common set of univeral Knowl fields. This consolidated/unified database is then presented to the end user as an elegant Single-Page Application (SPA).
Visualize referentially connected papers
Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work.