89 private links
Pythonic interface to fzf, a CLI fuzzy finder. Super nice library to use - does come bundled with fzf binary in the wheels though.
A Jupyter server based on FastAPI. Allows pretty easy self-hosting (for smaller instances) and thus collaborative editing. Supports fief authentication which is neat.
Identity management made easy. Intended (primarily?) for python apps, and to be simple with good-enough defaults.
Includes OIDC/Oauth2 integration. Has very nice documentation.
Open source PDF editing library for Python. High level and made to be interoperable w matplotlib plots and similar.
Dependency injection with simple decorators, seems quite nice and has a handy real-world example in its readme.
The next-generation framework for building desktop widgets.
Scripting your desktop decorations (status bar, background widgets, notification center, etc) using python. Based on signals to reduce polling requirements.
Allows you to code up simple dashboards using a combination of beanql (to select data) and python (to operate on it) for fava (beancount web GUI).
Super useful!
Use llm audio models to automatically create subtitles for shows (either on adding or on-the-fly on playing) in your media center app (Plex, emby, jellyfin, bazarr)
Uses steamcmd (a steam cli client, maintained by valve themselves) to download workshop items. Basically a simplifying wrapper for workshop item downloads.
Operates as a GUI program (hence the .pyw file) but perusing the code also gives a quick idea of how to implement it yourself as a more cli-oriented wrapper.
Python (and C++ and R) project management. Built on the conda dev environment, and is primarily aimed at ML, data science, scientific python.
Comes highly recommended by others.
The future of python package managers?
Does everything that poetry, pip, pipx, pyenv and more are doing, and does so fast. From the creators of ruff, written in rust.
A python library for interacting with Lemmy. Contribute to db0/pythorhead development by creating an account on GitHub.
Pretty close integration between python and lua through bindings. Call python functions and methods, import other files, create classes and more from lua; or call lua functions, require files, receive table values and more from python.
Ultimately pretty insane (some might say lunatic) but might come in handy at one point or another.
- wijnen/python-lua which allows using Python objects in lua and lua objects in python.
- scoder/lupa is one-way embedding of lua into python, but supports additional features such as coroutines, threading, iterating lua objects and so on.
Another md to AST (html, ...) converter. Purposes to be faster than mistletoe.
Generate a (commonmark compliant) markdown AST using this python library. Can also directly output as html, latex or return it to markdown.
Declarative package & configuration manager for Arch Linux.
Similar to 'pacdef' but written in python (not rust) and using python to define the declaration.
Primarily, that means two things:
a. the declaration language is super flexible and can be used for all kinds of advanced shenanigans. Essentially Nix-like without the steep functional learning curve if you already know python.
b. the bootstrapping process is a little more awkward as we first need to ensure the correct python interpreter (and potentially dependencies?) installed on the system. For a rust-based program you can more easily just use a specific binary.
Can also take care of systemD services and configuration files to some extent.
Simple (as async libraries go), easy and usable asyncio in python, making it more fun to write correct async routines
Very useful spatio-temporal analysis tools within the python / jupyter ecosystem.
Can do all sorts of spatial analysis and visualization, but also more specific things like spatial inequality computation (using e.g. Theil index, Gini, ...).
Large list of resources for accomplishing various degrees of functional programming in python.
Books, tutorials, talks, libraries.
Allows creating pandoc filters in python instead of lua.