83 private links
Discussion on using arch for daily work within a docker container. Could be useful e.g. for a vps machine running replicable arch or similar.
Especially interesting is the docker vs lxc/systemd-nspawn discussion a bit further down: https://lr.artemislena.eu/r/archlinux/comments/u2he05/arch_in_docker_for_daily_use/i4kmaga/?context=3
This is probably the best instructions I have seen for any debian/ubuntu-like LXC guest to run the docker engine. Works with proxmox 7.2x and definitely Ubuntu 22.04, other ubuntus reasonably sure - and I believe with Debian10-11 as well.
Take care to go to the docker docs for the exact installation lines since they are a little different by now than what's written here - the author takes care to mention it as well.