85 private links
Pretty close integration between python and lua through bindings. Call python functions and methods, import other files, create classes and more from lua; or call lua functions, require files, receive table values and more from python.
Ultimately pretty insane (some might say lunatic) but might come in handy at one point or another.
- wijnen/python-lua which allows using Python objects in lua and lua objects in python.
- scoder/lupa is one-way embedding of lua into python, but supports additional features such as coroutines, threading, iterating lua objects and so on.
really nice io features, providing somewhat more of a 'standard library' for lua; modeled after node
Enable rendering cricit-markup in your quarto output.
Could be really useful for a ms-word -less authoring pipeline.
Write your own river layout generator in lua.
Very nice implementation of a river-wm 'layout' which can actually be used to generate your own layouts with lua.
As far as I can see, for now this only supports a single layout file and not switchable/callable layouts with different namespaces, but that is sure to come.
Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.
Similar-ish in looks to qutebrowser, similar-ish in default ux to vimperator, qutebrowser, pentadactyl and so on.
No clue why I did not learn of it sooner. It will probably not replace my (heavily customized) qutebrowser setup any time soon but seems an interesting alternative nonetheless!
Use lua to write code for the browser (basically provides interop with javascript - so you don't have to write javascript to have javascript browser code)
A perfect filter for pandoc when creating annotated bibliographies, chapters, individual sections, different primary and secondary sources and the like --- Anything you have to have separate bibliographies for, really.
The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua. Contribute to teal-language/tl development by creating an account on GitHub.
It's a table that sets up another table's behavior. Say you have a table fnark where it's paramount that "YO HEADS UP" is displayed every it gets a new entry. The way to do that would he to create a new table (let's call it behavior) and set its newindex method accordingly. And you also want fnark to say "YEAH MAN ALREADY THERE" when some existing entry is accessed: you set that up in behavior's index method. When you're done describing behavior, you tell Lua that behavior is what defines how fnark should behave: setmetatable(fnark, behavior). And now, whenever you add some new entry or reference an existing entry in fnark, you get the messages from above. That's metatables in a nutshell.
And switching from init.vim to init.lua
Nicely explained, going over both basics and some more intermediate ideas of switching to lua
example of a lua statusline for neovim with explanation
You can find a rather extensive list here, with maybe Castl the closest to JS?
Contains moonscript and other usual suspects but also more esoteric ones like haskell, go cross compilers.
A quick overview on how to handle async processes in luv in Neovim.
Uses example of spawning a pandoc process, which is a good example starting point for reviewing implementations.
Creating multiple bibliographies with pandoc -- using a lua filter and applying it to the material.
The filter, as it stands, may require use of multiple .bib libraries, but can probably be adapted to get its two bibliographic informations from the yaml header itself?
See also this github issue
Extended regex options for Lua.
Allows named patterns (grammars), bounded repetition, and more. Allows building complete Abstract Syntax Trees.
Weird (i.e. unusual, non-POSIX) syntax, but useful once grokked. Contains a few very useful examples to better understand the syntax.
File system path manipulation library. Cross-platform.
Path-walking, directory manipulation and more.
Is it possible to read the following from the local variable in Lua?
local t = os.execute("echo 'test'")
I just want to achieve this: whatever is executed via the ox.execute and will ret...
A guide to using Lua in Neovim.
Actually, the definite guide with tips on how to get started, links to various articles talking both about the configuration side and the plugin creation side.
Tips on getting autoload to work with lua, how to set up your file structure and so on.