86 private links
A python library for interacting with Lemmy. Contribute to db0/pythorhead development by creating an account on GitHub.
Pretty close integration between python and lua through bindings. Call python functions and methods, import other files, create classes and more from lua; or call lua functions, require files, receive table values and more from python.
Ultimately pretty insane (some might say lunatic) but might come in handy at one point or another.
- wijnen/python-lua which allows using Python objects in lua and lua objects in python.
- scoder/lupa is one-way embedding of lua into python, but supports additional features such as coroutines, threading, iterating lua objects and so on.
Running C++ in anywhere like a script. Contribute to vpand/icpp development by creating an account on GitHub.
This seems intriguing, excessive, somewhere between not super useful and incredibly useful for specific use-cases and like witchcraft.
Another md to AST (html, ...) converter. Purposes to be faster than mistletoe.
Generate a (commonmark compliant) markdown AST using this python library. Can also directly output as html, latex or return it to markdown.
A faux-html dialect to write neovim plugins in. Uses nml (html) and lua (js) and can be styled with css-like lang afaik. Very early development currently but honestly pretty exciting for quick Neovim UI development.
Declarative package & configuration manager for Arch Linux.
Similar to 'pacdef' but written in python (not rust) and using python to define the declaration.
Primarily, that means two things:
a. the declaration language is super flexible and can be used for all kinds of advanced shenanigans. Essentially Nix-like without the steep functional learning curve if you already know python.
b. the bootstrapping process is a little more awkward as we first need to ensure the correct python interpreter (and potentially dependencies?) installed on the system. For a rust-based program you can more easily just use a specific binary.
Can also take care of systemD services and configuration files to some extent.
multi-backend declarative package manager for Linux - steven-omaha/pacdef
Interesting approach, used to be exclusively for arch pacman, now can be used for pacman, apt, pip (and pipx!), xbps, cargo and a few others.
You create a list (or multiple lists for different groups) of packages and it ensures that they are installed. If they do not appear in a list, it ensures they are not installed. That's that.
ONLY takes care of packages, not config files, systemd services or similar - for that look to decman.
Simple (as async libraries go), easy and usable asyncio in python, making it more fun to write correct async routines
Resources to expand library access to those who don't have it -- your guide to libraries for non-residents and digital libraries with non-resident borrowing privileges.
Most are still.. expensive ($50 - $170) per year but it is a nice compilation of possibilities.
Make awesome display tables using Python.
A really nice, simple table package and can do impressive outcomes.
Not sure if it also works for docx/pdf or just html?
Directed acyclic graphs to take care of any data and resource inter-dependencies and just focus on having a stable output.
Basically similar to e.g. dagster or other high-fallutin' cloud offerings, and somewhat similar to targets
for R.
Of primary interest here is the cache=True
setting for a pipeline which ensures its underlying functions only get recomputed when they actually change (see the ipynb example Cache section).
Seems super nifty just because it's super lightweight and easy to get started - but is fairly new as of this moment.
Instantly convert any python cli programme made with click into a simple web frontend.
Design is not amazing but it is done in like 30 seconds and you have a frontend.
Much smaller than other vuejs/nuxt,angular,react frontends.
But has the essentials for most 'javascript-interactive' functionalities provided by many modern websites.
Seems interesting!
Allows writing commandline arguments as if you're in a shell script, but from javascript.
Somewhat similar to execa, but afaik tries to implement its own cross-platform coreutil commands. Has quick $
based syntax by default:
import { $ } from "bun";
const response = await fetch("https://example.com");
// Use Response as stdin.
await $`echo < ${response} > wc -c`; // 120
Simple commandline process execution with javascript. Takes care of stdin/stdout/stderr transformations, termination, newlines, child processes and so on.
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils.
Simply intends to have complete compatibility with original coreutils - strives to fully pass the GNU coreutils test suite.
An open-source universal messaging library. Seems interesting as a concurrency tool. Implementations and bindings in many many languages.
🐍🕸 WebAssembly runtime for Python
Target your python program to wasm blobs