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A 'simplified' bibliography reference format like bibtex or biblatex.
Uses yaml under the hood and is super simple to understand:
type: Article
title: Kinetics and luminescence of the excitations of a nonequilibrium polariton condensate
author: ["Doan, T. D.", "Tran Thoai, D. B.", "Haug, Hartmut"]
doi: "10.1103/PhysRevB.102.165126"
page-range: 165126-165139
date: 2020-10-14
type: Periodical
title: Physical Review B
volume: 102
issue: 16
publisher: American Physical Society
One interesting fact is that it uses one (or multiple) 'parent' keys to signify where something is from which in turn use the same simple keys (type, title, ...) as the original document to describe themselves.
So, instead of a million individual keys to describe an entry we use a more recursive format with each having the same couple keys.
This could be really interesting for a closer papis
integration with its standard yaml format for example.
Format readme here.
I am not sure how 'mature' the format is, however.
It has been created for the typst typesetting language afaik, and that is still pretty new/fluctuating as of now as well.
Alternative to mermaid, plantuml, graphviz. Can be used in quarto.
Is a single golang cli binary at the core which I much (much) prefer to the javascript-dependent client-side nature of mermaid.
Otherwise, the DSL looks competent and fairly descriptive.
Supports displaying markdown, code, images, icons, or latex formulas in the diagrams.
Could be a good choice for quick diagrams!
A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
This is very exciting. It actually allows some fairly advanced constructs and environments but keeps its (basic) syntax at a similarly simple level such as markdown.
It even has a 'code mode' in which you can call arbitrary expressions and pass arguments just doing #myfunc(myargument:true, another: 12)
. And those are then programmed in typst
language (which I have not looked into yet). And even most basic markup is done in those so they are definitely powerful!
Basically wants to be LaTeX 2.0-ish. Does not yet have the same advanced page-orphan algorithms etc however. Can be used in quarto from 1.4 as markup language!
Bibtex parser for Python 3. Parse bibtex, do whatever you want with it now as a python data structure.
One example of doing bibtex -> pandas dataframe is here
Complete list of BibTeX entry types including examples for: ✓article ✓book ✓inbook ✓conference
Good little explanations for each type as well. Additional information concerning biblatex here: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/639734/canonical-list-of-bib-entry-types
Amazing pandoc template for letters that will follow the German regulations (DIN 5008). Write it with markdown, compile with pandoc and latex, be happy.
Similar letter template but less German here: https://github.com/aaronwolen/pandoc-letter/tree/master
A build/make system for latex (akin to e.g. latexmk) which tries to be intelligent about pulling in dependencies, running the right amount of build generations and so on. Seems pretty user friendly in that it tries to automate away most of the LaTeX tedium!
Plus, the name is neat.
A way to separate multiple table or figure environments in latex:
Then, when your supplement starts, just add the line:
Voila! Instant “Table S1” and “Figure S1”. Enjoy.
Filtering bibtex files based on fields and other criteria is easy with bibtool.
LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool :mag::heavy_check_mark: with support for LaTeX. Markdown and others.
I go over using NeoVim and LaTeX to take notes with, but I specifically talk about talking notes with Mathematics.
A perfect filter for pandoc when creating annotated bibliographies, chapters, individual sections, different primary and secondary sources and the like --- Anything you have to have separate bibliographies for, really.
TUI/cli terminal bibliography manager. Can read and export bibtex, keeps its files in plaintext (yaml I believe?) and can thus be versioned, even comes with integrated git support.
Commandline client for python-bibtex and doi requests.
Could be useful either as-is or for inspiration for an own reference management software.
Some explanation and demonstration of the power of LuaTeX (or LuaLaTeX), from 2017.
Python bindings for bibtex.
Can be used either as a cmdline replacement for bibtex, or, more practically, as a python library to parse and interact with bib files.
Careful, however, since some mention that it rewrites, and sometimes messes up? Still have to investigate before letting it loose on my actual bibtex libraries.
Interesting BibTeX manager, could replace Jabref for simple cmd line operations.
Some notable features (mentioned by author):
- vim keys
- search in Crossref (recommended), Google Scholar and search by pdf file's metadata (provided by pdfinfo),
- create sub-libraries from commandline
- automatically / manually manage and rename pdf files based on BibTeX entry that you searched in Step 1
- notes
A collection of portable pandoc templates with no dependencies - ryangrose
Useful as templates, but even more as inspiration for creating my own stand-alone templates.
By hosting on git{hub,lab}, we get access to the raw styling files and can pull them down in the process,
so that truly only the template itself is needed and is portably packed in e.g. ~/.pandoc/templates .
Can ultimately (perhaps) also be used to create inter-changeable gallery for generating quick previews from the editor.
A guide describing software to help with citation management, writing, and other parts of the research process.
Syncing: BibTex with Zotero, with Mendeley, with Endnote, with JabRef