83 private links
- similar to permallink - button for 'share link' which can then be passed to another
- Can share single notes, which will (if accessed via the link) make them accessible publically, regardless of their original access restrictions
- can make the links expire, make the notes changeable or read-only etc
- Create pin-boards for certain topics - either by defining a topic or by using a tag as its base
- Items can be part of many pinboards at the same time (many-to-many relationship)
- Pinboards can be shared (similar to notes above) and this will supersede the access restrictions of the individual notes
Super-Public mode:
- Even if board is set to not show public items to non-registered visitors, notes could be set to super-public mode (needs better name) - and they would show up for non-registered
- essentially this creates 3 modes of notes: Always public, default access restrictions, always private - instead of the 2 currently default, always private
Keyword-based search
Index-Based Search (see here)
- keeps a 'notebook' of searches and articles found, akin to science notebooks in python etc
- when you enter a search displays previous identical searches (and similar searches?)
- displays articles re-appearing in later searches which were already read
- highlights articles appearing in multiple searches
- allows constructing multiple searches into one which highlights articles appearing in all
- adding articles straight into reference manager and then displaying annotations from already read articles next to new searches?
- perhaps in place of the article they belong to, should another search bring it up again
- perhaps allow expanding of articles to the side, where their annotations are shown
Web #application allowing to find local food trucks. Currently available only in Nuremberg, Germany. Excellent example of Google maps web implementation.
Input letters, adds (procedural?) decoration
What I would like to see is this: bring the whole "local food" movement to the Cloud. Local datacenters. If the somewhat knowledgable among us offer web services to family, friends, and locals, perhaps for a small fee, the entire ecosystem will benefit. We'll submit patches and make each other stronger, and our customers would have a physical face that they could punch if something goes wrong, so it's good for them, too.
But the money is in it now. We are by nature going to be on the fringe, and if you are not submitting patches and contributing to documentation, then the difficulties you mention are your fault. If your favorite free software sucks, it's your fault. This is all built on people coming together to help each other; complaining does no good at all (although I do feel your pain, don't get me wrong). The solution is to help out the best you can.
Build a simple shelf of a backlog completing app.
Pulls in data from internet game database (which probably exists)
Displays it beautifully
Can pull in data from steam etc? Achievements, time played,
Pulls in data from howlongtobeat to show how long player has left (roughly)
pull in guides and helpful things
allow simple checking off, ordering in lists etc
Monetize by having ~20 % of factions locked off at any one time. The factions rotate every x days and another 20% become locked off.
Think abt having a certain 'base' set never locked off
In a structured tagging system, children should automatically receive the tag from parents as well.
Programming > JavaScript
Programming > Css
Anything tagged either js or css should automatically receive the appropriate parent tag.
Tags and folders
Tags are essentially virtual folders already
So, tags should have the option to be turned into 'primary tags' or folders via a checkmark
Any item can only contain one primary tag
All child/parent tags will be converted to primary tags (essentially making that trunk of the tree a folder trunk)
A parallel folder structure will be created for all the tags under which the files tagged with the tag will now live
If a file results in multiple primary tags after turning a tag into a primary tag either
- conflict has to be decided manually, and only selected primary tag is kept
- both tags will stay on item, it will exist in one directory as actual file, in one as symlink to actual file
Tags can be 'related' to one another not just through child/parent but sibling (or 'cousin') relationships, though i dont know how this wouldbe visualized / affect the structual tree
set up a version control system to contain all of the PC / Notebook Linux setup options (i.e. all the dot files), e.g. in git