84 private links
Simple isso / disqus alternative.
Seems relatively simple to implement, can allow anonymous and social login comments; super small; clean; developed on gitlab. Seems like a solid choice
a Disqus alternative.
Allows embedding a simple comment system into static site generators with some simple javascript and an sqlite database.
A huge variety of comment system implementations for static content site generators (especially hugo) introduced.
A static site generator (similar to hugo et al.) whose sites can be built in any of the big web frameworks (react, vue, angular, svelte, or -- they claim -- any other for that matter).
It also boils everything down to plain html but let's you embed javascript components if you wish,
and those components will only be loaded if the user actually scolls to them ('island design').
Sounds very promising, currently in early beta.
SImple blog tutorial here:
A simple theme for Hugo. That's it.
My approach is to use the content metadata to instruct my footer template to load extra js files. The JS is not part of the content (that’s a presentation concern), so don’t try to marry them in your markdown if you can avoid it.
Example content metadata:
js = ["chart", "dropdown/latest.min"]
At the bottom of the footer template, I have this:
{{- range .Params.js }}
<script src="/js/{{ . }}.js"></script>
{{- end }}