87 private links
Shows a step-by-step procedure to upgrad PG behind a docker container.
Can be adapted for other version differences.
Needed a few tweaks on my side, especially if using a different username/password/role, discussed here.
Successfully migrated my nextcloud database on-premises using the following:
export USNAME=<my-db-username>
export PAWOO=<my-db-password>
mkdir -p pg16
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/nextcloud_db/_data:/var/lib/postgresql/12/data -v $(pwd)/pg16:/var/lib/postgresql/16/data -e POSTGRES_USER=$USNAME -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$PAWOO -e PGUSER=$USNAME -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS="-U $USNAME" tianon/postgres-upgrade:12-to-16
Which then leaves me to move the resulting pg16 dir either into the other volume, overwriting existing data or just switching it around.
Take care that the pg16 directory that you are writing into exists but is completely empty otherwise there will be errors.
Just like lazygit but manage your docker containers/services from a tui: view containers, images, volumes, compose files, logs, and more.
VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
Glue together VPN with other docker containers, put any container behind vpn proxies or just use it as a vpn server for your local machine.
Has a really extensive video instruction here
Self-hosted lightweight PaaS solution to deploy and manage your applications on any VPS [Your own self-hosted Heroku, Vercel] - swiftwave-org/swiftwave
Deploy your containers easily and quickly. Smaller footprint than coolify
Host your own containers with a slick cli interface.
Allows running anki in a docker container! Not super exciting by itself (other than to learn some X11 - docker related shenanigans) but the author mentions being able to run it headless.
That's where it gets interesting, providing e.g. an always-up interface for Anki-Connect!
Discussion on using arch for daily work within a docker container. Could be useful e.g. for a vps machine running replicable arch or similar.
Especially interesting is the docker vs lxc/systemd-nspawn discussion a bit further down: https://lr.artemislena.eu/r/archlinux/comments/u2he05/arch_in_docker_for_daily_use/i4kmaga/?context=3
Good discussion and examples on best practices for building/delivering python poetry projects with Docker: Dockerfile tips, which command line arguments/ env vars to use for poetry, and how to approach multi-stage builds.
Build a multi-stage Docker image from official Python images with support for Poetry projects.
A good (concise) example of multi-stage dockerizing if you already somewhat know about basic docker concepts.
Tool for interactive command line environments on Linux. Similar concept to distrobox, and somewhat of the predecessor I suppose (or at least it seems a more limited scope).
Maps a containerized environment to the host resources, allowing you to more seamlessly work on the guest environment.
Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with.
Essentially creates containers for the requested distro but also integrates the home directory, maps X11/Wayland sockets, devices, journals, ssh agent and so on - it basically maps your host resources automatically to the guest machine so you can work on it as if it was your actual machine.
Avoid wasted hours spent on debugging container networking issues by trying these 4 troubleshooting steps.
Very nice breakdown of getting at any docker-internal dns errors or network setup oopsies.
This is probably the best instructions I have seen for any debian/ubuntu-like LXC guest to run the docker engine. Works with proxmox 7.2x and definitely Ubuntu 22.04, other ubuntus reasonably sure - and I believe with Debian10-11 as well.
Take care to go to the docker docs for the exact installation lines since they are a little different by now than what's written here - the author takes care to mention it as well.
Postgres docker containers have a problem of multiple restarts.
A simple way to check for them being 'up' up (i.e. initialized, reachable, and ready) is not through pg_isready
but instead by checking on the set database port (default 5432) if a connection can be established.
It will not send anything back really since it's not designed as an http server. So curl -sFfI db:5432
for example will get back 52 Empty Reply
with status code 52. If you want to check with that make sure to compare to error code 52!
The easiest option if another container has to wait for this one to start up (and especially in a docker stack environment where no wait_for option exists) is:
nc db 5432
which will only return true when the port is ready.
An example for the nextcloud fpm container waiting for database readiness:
entrypoint: sh -c "while !(nc -z db 5432); do sleep 1; done; /entrypoint.sh php-fpm"
Amazing pre-setup mopidy and snapcast instance. Simply point your docker-compose file digestor at it and you're basically good to go with iris and spotify integration running (though you have to enter your credentials into .conf file for spotify to fully work). Then begin populating the music folder and you have your local music added.
A really nice way of using gitlab ci to build images for multiple arches (especially arm and amd64).
Using an s3 backend (like wasabi, spaces, minio or others) as the block storage for a jellyfin (vps or homelab) installation with rclone. A bit fiddly, but can probably be adapted to iac -style docker stacks and so on.
Building arm and arm64 versions of docker images with docker hub autobuilder, by using qemu emulation for the different arches
How to install and use the Wireguard VPN in containers, with docker and its networking stack.
Receive notifications when an image is updated on a Docker registry.
Does not auto-update (different from e.g. watchtower), but provides a wide variety of services for notification so that you can manually update the container, after reviewing its changes and potentially creating backups.