88 private links
Parse configuration files in json, toml, yaml, msgpack; written in C
One of the most useful cli JSON AND YAML viewers, certainly one of the prettiest.
Vim-like movement, regex search, collapsible sections, syntax highlighting of course, yadda yadda..
Helps in creating and sharing secrets easily.
Uses AWS and GCE stuff for encryption but can also function without all that and just use GPG or age for encrypting.
Can be used to encrypt specific files in a git repo, or even encrypt/decrypt parts of a file (for example a specific value in a yml or json file).
Very neat and seems really useful!
Simple interactive interface for jq!
Very similar to 'jid' (json incremental driller) or its fork 'jiq' (no idea).\
Except that 'jiq' seems to be archived and not receiving updates,
and 'jid' is similar but does not show input/output side by side.
And it seems fast! And shows you a neat little error window as well.
Json but less overhead. (and binary not plain but eh)
Read and write json line format with python, easy, efficient.
The JSON lines format (.jsonl
or I believe some also do .jl
Pretty easy to handle, good for streaming through information, can be extended and is faairly readable.
A little less readable than csv/tsv (if they are well formatted) but you can extend a file with another column at any point (which is a huge pain with csv), cells can have actual types and the formatting is much easier.
Fantastically easy approach for .jsonl format to be loaded into pandas.
A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity
jq in a different dress. As far as I can see the syntax is esentially the same but it is faster and wants to be 'correct'. Neat!
JSON Stream Editor (command line utility).
Another similar-but-different query language based tool to jq - just with what seems like much simpler syntax at least for simple queries.
Not sure how well it fares for more advanced requirements, but it might just do fine.
Same thing as GRON - turn JSON into stream-friendly (i.e. greppable) destructured text.
Just faster! I suppose. Haven't really tried it myself
Super awesome for de-structuring json responses to then simply work with through grep or other text-only speaking stream tools on the command line.
A JSON Query Language CLI tool. A little like the venerable jq a little not, has different selection (or 'query') syntax.
Basically you pass in JSON to select specific JSON from whatever data.
Feels a little weird to me at first, but might actually be easier for intermediate/advanced use cases then the mind-bending mess jq sometimes turns into for me
(or rather, the constant trial and error with jiq that it turns into)
easiest answer is with pandas as a library:
df = pd.read_json('inputfile.json')
df.to_csv('outputfile.csv', encoding='utf-8', index = False)
read_json converts a JSON string to a pandas object (either a series or dataframe).
to_csv can either return a string or write directly to a csv-file. See the docs for to_csv.
works best when json is an array of structured objects (unstructured data, see SO answer in link)
additional pandas to csv tips see this SO thread
Using python to write to a sqlite database, storing json data.
CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON or Dictionaries.
Get structured json output from any number of standard commandline tools! (top, lsblk, ssh, syslog, ps, proc, mount, git, du, df, and a whooole bunch more)
JSONata query and transformation language. Small introduction.
Edit and view the structure of PDFs, on the commandline or through JSON and thus gain all sorts of useful information to the makeup of a pdf.
json interactive stream editor (jq + up)
uses jq under the hood, but exposes an interactive session for it
Encoding a JSON String
Decoding a JSON String
Saving JSON to Disk
Loading JSON from Disk
Validating JSON with json.tool