83 private links
a simple terminal user interface for signal messenger (using signal-cli) - GitHub - isamert/scli: a simple terminal user interface for signal messenger (using signal-cli)
Tag, modify, update, and organize your music through the commandline (or through a web interface).
Seems pretty evolved and already comes with a nice plugin eco-system (for album art, mpd connections, gain setting and more)
Cut with regex patterns, automatic space mashing, column reordering, and some other nice features. Written, of course, in rust.
simple shell script to send a message to a matrix room. Can be used e.g. in cron jobs to replace notification, or additional notification, or to only notify on user being AFK, or simply to replace mail(1).
Many possibilities, seems very flexible in its use-case.
Integrates with DBus interface and can display notifications accordingly.
Not a replacement to dunst, but can be used to feed different things (like dunst or polybar) with information.
Also provides examples for grabbing the information from the DBus API and displaying it e.g. in polybar.
A quantified self program for the PC - run as a commandline program and also contains an analysis cmdline tool to then query the (sqlite) database later (examples in readme).
Similar to activitywatch, rescuetime.
An interesting use of loki to grab shell history, store it centrally, and then re-use it from the commandline to replace its traditional history functionality. Also includes a little tidbit on then integrating your shell history with e.g. Grafana.
File manager built in rust, configured through lua.
Seems pretty configurable and follows a vim-like mode (or 'layer') key binding structure.
As of now still somewhat in-development and no static lua api visible, or documented very well (but actively developed).
Create a qr code on the terminal to either send or receive files from. Primarily created to exchange files with your mobile phone over wifi.
CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON or Dictionaries.
Get structured json output from any number of standard commandline tools! (top, lsblk, ssh, syslog, ps, proc, mount, git, du, df, and a whooole bunch more)
Send and receive messages via signal from the commandline. Can register its own 'username' (i.e. phone number)
Most flexible solution to the problem should be some variation of:
find $DIRECTORY -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
A terminal workspace with batteries included. Contribute to zellij-org/zellij development by creating an account on GitHub.
A very gentle introduction to the terminal and working with shell environments for researchers.
Using network usage monitoring tools in linux: IPTraf, iftop, nethog
Whereas the first two show usage per port/ip, nethog does so per running user process.
In this article, we will explain a few tools that will allow you to check network usage per process in your Linux system. These tools include IPTraf, Iftop and Nethog. With the help of these tools, you can identify which process or port number is draining much of the network bandwidth.
tmux setup for session sharing, window sharing but also session sharing with independent window usage, quite neat
A youtube-dl fork with an astounding number of new features. Most interesting to me are sponsorblock integration, thumbnail embedding, multithreading, and comment downloading
Uses GitHub markdown API (actually queries it for rendering) and displays your readme files.
Can be used just to display github readmes and preview your own project ones, but also to transform markdown files to html-formatted ones (without e.g. pandoc), to create local copies of github wikis (example at link), etc.
nice commandline client for transmission
Attaching to the same tmux session multiple times - and using different windows and views into it.