83 private links
Filtering bibtex files based on fields and other criteria is easy with bibtool.
Organize Your Audiobook Collection With Beets. Contribute to Neurrone/beets-audible development by creating an account on GitHub.
Very neat new TTS engine, works in a wide variety of languages (e.g. English UK/US, German, Afrikaans) and with different inflections and voices.
Also works locally and (once the generator is downloaded the first time) super fast (on my pc takes around 10 seconds for generating a minute of speech in German). Since you will usually have shorter speech snippets will work even faster.
Can be used in client/server setup, through the local cli or as part of the mycroft engine. Neat!
A detailed run-down of the differences between [ condition ] and [[ condition ]] in bash programming.
terminal player client for a *sonic (subsonic/airsonic/..) server. Wants to be similar to ncmpcpp (though it seems more limited for now).
Version manager for command line applications. Basically replaces all sorts of nvm-like node, ruby etc version managers.
cli date and time processing - put in a query for some nlp time and it spits out the canonical iso version.
seems incredibly versatile (hundreds of examples on the github page) and could be incorporated into a wide variety of scripts
Manage your GnuPG keys with ease! 🔐. Contribute to orhun/gpg-tui development by creating an account on GitHub.
CLI grammer checker! Uses languatool on the backend - can be done over internet or you set up your own local server. This is everything I've ever wanted.
Well, actually better vim integration would be amazing, as an lsp or some other way of 'linting' errors instead of going through them one-by-one. But one day that will happen.
View images in terminal without needing to use X (like ueberzug does).
Works with either iTerm or kitty image formats, can fall back to cell-wise ASCII-like display in any terminal.
Seems really bloat-free and easy to use.
Progress bars to implement either in python itself (as a library) or for shell operations (as a cli), seems fast and easy to implement.
A more user-friendly and a little more powerful alternative to TaskNote - very useful and simple to use.
Amazing python plugin which makes interaction with local shell super simple.
Allows to import the 'local' machine and access commands from it, pipe them together, import commands from the PATH directly and even interact with other machines over ssh.
Saves your shell history as a searchable sql database and allows advanced search queries to be run against it.
Additionally, allows you to share your shell history over encrypted server (did not audit code for actual encryption etc)
Might be overkill, but might be useful if run on a lot of personal servers.
Allows you to manage zfs snapshots and directories and recursive file listings and more through the command line to mimic time machine (I suppose).
Interestingly, supposedly works with non-zfs file systems when they are e.g. rsync backup-ed which I would like to try.
Usually, when trying to log in the program will crash or say wrong UUID, OAUTH error or similar.
This provides a workaround with a personal developer
reddit application.
Can convert (and revert) jupyter notebooks to markdown and script files (i.e. plaintext files instead of singular json code files).
Could be useful for data tracking or converting between a jupyter-centric and a vim-centric data workflow.
Markdown translator producing HTML5 and roff documents in the ms and man formats. Can also produce latex (pdf) as far as I am aware.
Commandline tool for gitea, can show issues, pull requests, and more.
Some utility functions for timewarrior.
Honestly, I would rather like to see them in timewarrior itself than a standalone script, but they are very useful, providing some command aliases, adding a simple duration syntax, and most importantly allowing to 'restart' a task (you pressed start but did not really yet, just restart at the time you actually start working), or 'restore' (you pressed stop but then continued working on a task, restore is 'continue' which fills the gap in between).