83 private links
Runs your whole shell through a vim buffer. In other words, it gives you access to the full (!) functionality of vim in the shell - even your vim plugins!
Vim startup screen
outliner for vim - some features of scrivener. perhaps also good for note-taking?
This plugin provides a slimmed-down |ftplugin| (with respect to the original
viki[0] vimscript #861)) with support for syntax highlighting, indentation, and
Some features are delegated to other plugins. Support for hyperlinking is
provided by the autolinker plugin[1]. Support for folding by the foldtext
-- especially the autolinker looks incredibly useful; can be customized like
but also can invoke a custom function (e.g. to build ZK links) and do multi-file selections, can link to lines or individual strings within files!
[0] https://github.com/tomtom/viki_vim
[1] https://github.com/tomtom/autolinker_vim
[2] https://github.com/tomtom/foldtext_vim
Remember your keymappings: Opens a quickfix window to visualize your vim keymappings
Goyo extension for distraction free writing
Machine Learning and use it to autocomplete intelligently while coding. Seems kind of incredible.
general writing tips, vimrcs for writers and so on; from the NaNoWriMo:
an example academic workflow for a book/paper/dissertation including bibtex references, notes, ... using Pandoc:
more general thoughts about plaintext academia:
a discussion on vim for novel writing:
and some latex templates:
based on the How to do 90 % of what plugins do with vim: https://old.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/bf2zul/how_to_do_90_of_what_plugins_do_with_just_vim/
From the official vim-go creator - not maintained anymore but still rich in information
General Knowledge PKB