2505 shaares
84 private links
84 private links
192 results
A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev - ripienaar
Learning computer networking through projects and readings - aos
stackoverflow from the terminal. Contribute to santinic
Simple, fast, safe, compiled programming language
✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! - doczjs
A beginner's guide to building HTML
The best talk on OAuth and OpenID:
- Oauth history
- Oauth theory (backchannel, frontchannel, authorization tokens, access tokens, client secrets, ...)
- Difference between Authorization / Authentication
- OpenID as an extension of Oauth2
- ID Tokens and standartization
Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform - drone
Pastebin alternative for easy code sharing. Can even be run from the commandline. Looks good.
Swept Points collision detection
uses C# and JS, but should be applicable to go etc
shows how to:
- send requests to uri
- use the goodreads developer key
- get returns, deal with server responses
- convert xml to json
38minutes of concise regex explanation
Using https for development locally