83 private links
allows csv, sqlite, db, git, zip, many many more
This interactive visual tool lets you see how accessible your color palettes are to viewers who are colorblind.
Choosing good colors for your charts is hard. This article tries to make it easier.
GitHub - tenox7/ttyplot: a realtime plotting utility for terminal/console with data input from stdin
a realtime plotting utility for terminal
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets. Contribute to awesomedata
The (large) data files needed for the Data Science Toolkit project - petewarden
Source files (i.e. datasets) to play around with; useful for learning data science
Goes directly into several O'Reilly data science books
Quantified Self Personal Data Aggregator and Data Analysis - markwk
Many ipynb data analysis examples for toggl, todoist, lastfm, goodreads, and so on and so forth
Shows how to download, aggregate, import, organize data, correlate, unify and more
Incredible CLI Data visualization tool (scatterplot, frequency analysis, ..) perfect for data exploration
Runs on sqlite (perhaps other backends)
:ram: A CLI tool for processing data with functional pipelines - raine
Data science workflow with vim slimux and python
demonstration here -- 40min
datasets, competitions, big data, ...