89 private links
Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client. Contribute to neovim
Automatically check for file changes
Vim plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents - wellle
⏱ A simple task and time manager (vim plugin).
uses unfog-cli as the task-management backend
unfog-cli combines task-management and time-management
VIT is a lightweight, fast, curses-based front end to Taskwarrior - scottkosty
TlDr Use fzf to show VIM spelling suggestions, and override the built in shortcut Background Recently I was looking to add spell-checking to VIM and came…
Data science workflow with vim slimux and python
demonstration here -- 40min
run-down of vim completion options and omnifunc and plugins to get lsp (language server protocol) support
A Vim Window Animation Library. Contribute to camspiers
can create floating windows like this: https://old.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/eu6kbe/floating_fzf_with_borders_and_file_previews/
working with libuv inside neovim
I'm probably really late to the party, but FZF in a floating window looks pretty damn nice. : neovim
fzf floating window in nvim
Making vim-loop more like jobstart to enable easy asynchronous lua programming in nvim
This is what I have been using for my todo list. If you use it, you should adjust the highlighting. This works for me using ConEmu on Windows 10...
A todo "plugin" for Vim, inspired by workflowy -- uses its own filetype; but maybe can be adapted to work in other filetypes
Using lua for configuring nvim instead of vimscript
from matrix+irc
hey y'all!
what's the most stable, resilient plugin for highlighting/completion/lsp
I've used so far coc.nvim and ALE and both combined but they don't perform very well comparing to VS code ecosystem
What do you folks use ?
mrassili joined the room.
hey y'all!what's the most stable, resilient plugin for highlighting/completion/lspI've used so far coc.nvim and ALE and both combined but they don't perform very well comparing to VS code ecosystemWhat do you folks use ?
what's your issue with coc? :^)
I've had good experiences with both of the ones you've named. ALE's LSP support is more minimal but I've found coc requires a little elbow grease but is then hell on wheels
also, what languages
there's also the experimental LSP support in nvim 0.5.0 (aka master branch) + nvim-lsp but that's still a work in progress
(what's implemented thus far works welll though)
I code mostly in React
combining JSX, js, CSSinJS code lacks support in both (in my experience)
I haven't tried it in combination with CSSinJS but did you make sure to set the filetype to javascript.jsx or typescript.tsx (depending on whether you're using typescript)? iirc there's a note about that in coc-tsserver
There's a vue language server that works pretty well
speaking of embedded stuff
jaawerth looking into that
what about linting how do you handle that in coc?
coc-eslint, which is a fork of vscode-eslint
assuming you're using eslint, which I am because there is no other linter that comes close in js these days ;-)
using eslint
coc has a pretty lush ecosystem of extensions that give you various LSP backends already tuned for coc integration and installable via :CocInstall, which is nice. you can also manually configure arbitrary LSP servers but the precooked integrations can save you some elbow grease
that's basically what nvim-lsp is - just a collection of presets + api glue for various LSP backends and install commands leveraging nvim 0.5.0's native lsp support
though coc goes further and crams in a bunch of stuff
used them a bit and switched to ALE
I do tend to prefer the way ALE provides linting feedback
in theory you could use both and just disable ALE's lsp support but I typically prefer minimizing the # of plugins if I can get similar functionality from both, and I just haven't bothered to find my optimal config that uses both together as of yet
clemons joined the room.
and iirc there was an issue on getting ale and coc to play nice, something to do with the loclist
this https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale/issues/1945 you might be able to get around it by pointing one at the quickfix list and the other at the loclist but I didn't bother
ALE would clear location list that create from other plugin · Issue #1945 · dense-analysis/ale - GitHub
Information VIM version NVIM v0.3.2-462-gf2b555c9e Build type: Release Operating System: MacOS What went wrong https://github.com/w0rp/ale/blob/aa5c82b1718f44d04f6dd11bc63f6eeed2089d9d/autoload/ale...
I do like ALE's feedback better but if I'm going to use coc I am ok with its feedback in exchange for its other goodies
What does ALE give you that coc doesn't?
once i switched coc to use virtual text my linting life became nightmare^Wbetter
buu: been a couple months since I've used ale but iirc it was just a ux thing in how it displayed the linter feedback
Foxfir3 joined the room.
daz what do you mean by "virtual text"
but daz makes a good point, I should play with that setting
https://i.imgur.com/it5G8HR.png this bad boy
how does kakoune bring anything new to the table?
it has clippy
daz: how do you enable that?
never heard of kakoune
buu: diagnostics.virtualText in cocconfig
mrassili: there are settings like diagnostic.virtualText and diagnostic.virtualTextPrefix as well as highlight groupes you can override to change how it's displayed. should be documented in the coc help
diagnostic.virtualText even
I see
Tae Won Ha (Gitter)
Hi guys. If I execute :highlight in Neovim, it seems that Neovim does not accept any MsgPackRPC calls. What I did:
Launch nvim via NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim.sock nvim and enter :highlight
Execute the following python script
from pynvim import attach
nvim = attach('socket', path='/tmp/nvim.sock')
I expected to get {'mode': 'r', 'blocking': True}, but the script waits and does not get a response from nvim. Is this intentional and if so, how can I detect this state?
okay. well.. without the dog, Its not really great I suppose
Tae Won Ha (Gitter)
(edited) ... get {'mode': ... => ... get something like
{'mode': ...
daz: You seem like you might know this
know what :v
mrassili: yeah if you :helpgrep virtualText or just :h coc-nvim and a search for virtualt, similarly you can see the highlight groups if you :h CocErrorVirtualText (which is the first one)
daz: When I do CocCommand document.renameCurrentWord it works fine but the word I selected is highlighted in orange.. and stays highlighted after I finish running it
How do I get the hilight to go away
maybe :nohl
Justin M. Keyes (Gitter)
@qvacua you would need to connect before checking nvim_get_mode
maybe not, dunno :v
daz: I think it's a different hl =[
I have all the search hilighting stuff off
Tae Won Ha (Gitter)
@justinmk I don't understand what you mean by connect?
Justin M. Keyes (Gitter)
@qvacua IOW nvim_get_mode will not block, but you need to be connected already.
NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim.sock nvim
connect from API client
execute :hi
call nvim_get_mode from API client
the attach() step in your python sample code
Tae Won Ha (Gitter)
ah I see
Björn Linse (Gitter)
We could improve this, I think this was neovim/neovim#10506
[WIP] server: make rpc connection a "fast" event. by bfredl · Pull Request #10506 · neovim/neovim - GitHub
might avoid deadlock when connecting to $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS from luv within the same process. Creating a RPC connection does nothing by itself so this should be safe. (ChanOpen autocmd is already ...
Justin M. Keyes (Gitter)
@qvacua just FYI, to avoid this problem during startup, nvim --embed waits for UI to connect before doing any Vimscript init.
Tae Won Ha (Gitter)
So, with that PR, my simple script would work?
Justin M. Keyes (Gitter)
(explained a :help --embed)
(edited) (explained a :help ... => (explained at
:help ...
buu: that's probably using the highlight groups coc uses under the hood (which I think is in the docs), I'm guessing you can clear it with :highlight clear or :highlight clear group-name to not set ALL highlighting back to defaults
you'd just have to figure out what group it's using for the latter
surprised there isn't something built into the plugign to provide more control for that though, I hate when highlights are still around after I'm done with 'em
maybe there is and I just don't know about it
I'll try that next time I use it
Proper project management with Taskwarrior in vim. - tbabej