83 private links
Simple date-time parser, with nice unix-y philosophy.
Demo shows how it can be integrated into e.g. vim workflow for switching between different representations of dates,
and moving dates up, creating diaries with hundreds of entries, etc.
This bash tutorial presents a comprehensive list of useful string manipulation tips for bash scripting.
Bash-only, but really useful to avoid using sed or similar external programs.
Only writing to terminal what actually changed (akin to an adaptible screen paint / refresh)
files sorted by age, something akin to
fd --exec stat --printf='%Y\t%n\n' | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f2
Shell for linux, running on python, aiming to be largely 'bash-like' (if not completely compatible afaik).
Could be intersting for more in-depth terminal work (semi-programmable) but probably large time investment to switch from other cozy homes like zsh.
Some useful shell ideas (bash, but many work with zsh).
Aliases, history functions, brace expansion etc
Using dmenu to directly seach through youtube results and add the resulting video into mpv.
Could be adapted to use my umpv
script, and remove some of the required programs.
I use custom script to store extra information for each task. The following script called note just create a markdown file named by task uuid:
#!/bin/env bash
mkdir -p notes/
if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
uuid=$(task _get $1.uuid)
vim $note || exit 1
task ${uuid} mod note:$(date --iso-8601=seconds) >/dev/null
vim ${NOTE_DIR}/buffer
And then just set UDA and alias into taskrc:
alias.note=execute "${HOME}/.task/hooks/note"
Now you can take a note with vim for each task if necessary:
task note 1
And you may also filter them by UDA:
task note.isnt:
And of course, the best way to manage markdown in vim is vimwiki!
An alternative is taskopen
In ZSH you can increase your productivity with aliases. This post explains 5 types of aliases that you should know. Boost your shell productivity now and make ZSH your own
The zsh shell offers countless options and features. Here are 5 ways to boost your efficiency from the command line.
Advanced aliases are interesting (e.g. aliases based on file ending)
What can I type at my shell (which happens to be bash) that will list all the commands that are recognized?
Also, does this differ by shell? Or do all shells just have a "directory" of commands they know about?
simplest version:
compgen -c
to list all commands
Find synonyms in 15 different languages directly from your terminal. - smallwat3r
:speech_balloon: Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc. - soimort
A command line launcher inspired by Alfred.
Can be invoked to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Configured through a yaml file.
Can be incorporated into e.g. fzf due to its commandline nature, or called from sxhkd, through rofi,..
Dead simple testing framework for Bash - test suite for bash, similar to bats
Shell Expansions
Decision and Looping Constructs
Function and Nested Function
String and Arrays
Regular Expression
I/O Redirections and Process Substitutions
Command-Line Options
System Signals for Inter-Process Communications
Built-in and Environmental Variables
Debugging Techniques
A terminal image viewer based on Überzug. Contribute to ckardaris
using install to copy recursively directory into target directory
Be it dmenu, spotlight, synapse or any other launcher that allows you to lazily write a few letters and then finding the program that you actually meant -once you are used to those neat little…
Good simple explanation of X window management, floating (in bspwm), dimensions, using fzf as a drop-down terminal, etc