83 private links
Fixing non-working fullscreen mode in virtualbox under i3wm.
Boils down to disabling the 'seamless' options bar in fullscreen mode, then it works (fullscreen on/off with Host+F, i.e. right-ctrl+F)
Some useful shell ideas (bash, but many work with zsh).
Aliases, history functions, brace expansion etc
Using criticmarkup to generate word 'track changes' style reviews and merging 'track changes' style reviews into criticmarkup. Back and forth.
Marked as suspended development, but if it works it could prove very useful.
How to install and use the Wireguard VPN in containers, with docker and its networking stack.
This series of posts will detail the audio mastering workflow I employ on my main Linux workstation.
Goes through setting up jack and stabilizing the kernel parameters for an advanced mastering workstation.
Crontab examples for many different use cases.
Includes a 'random' feature to find some neat corner cases and figure them out backwards for learning.
This is a complete fstab tutorial with options and filesystems explained
Using S3 as a simple filesystem extension
Below is an excerpt from man apt-get. Using upgrade keeps to the rule: under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not already installed retrieved and installed. If that's important to you, use apt-get upgrade. If you want things to "just work", you probably want apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure dependencies are resolved.
I would like to generate a random string (e.g. passwords, user names, etc.). It should be possible to specify the needed length (e.g. 13 chars).
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c13
where head dictates how many characters you get.
You can then e.g. pipe it into an echo
command or into a clipboard program or similar.
🎶 a fast and simple multimedia fileserver.
Can host all sorts of files, but includes (markdown) text editor, image viewer, video/audio player, etc.
Can be used to have multi-account set-up, read-only directories and a couple more things
The most beautiful Subsonic client. Sublime Music is a feature-packed native GTK client for Subsonic-compatible servers.
Interesting BibTeX manager, could replace Jabref for simple cmd line operations.
Some notable features (mentioned by author):
- vim keys
- search in Crossref (recommended), Google Scholar and search by pdf file's metadata (provided by pdfinfo),
- create sub-libraries from commandline
- automatically / manually manage and rename pdf files based on BibTeX entry that you searched in Step 1
- notes
Extraterm is an open source project to build a terminal emulator and expand it with new features to support modern workflows and do more than just act like a glorified teletype.
Can for example re-run the output of previous commands as new commands with some parts of it manually edited - see animation on github page.
I just installed the latest release of docker-ce on CentOS, but I can't reach published ports from a neighboring server and can't reach the outside from the container itself.
CentOS firwalld blocks outgoing docker requests, leading to failing ingress/egress dns resolving.
In my case, disrupted Nextcloud working (since I have external primary object storage configured), as well as outgoing requests from SearX.
Wireguard is an open-source cross-platform VPN implementation that uses state of the art cryptography. It is faster, simpler and more functional than ...
How to find out why an unmount failed -- see programs using current file / directory with lsof
This video is about Linux Swap and the different kinds of swap that exist. This shows you how to use swap partitions, swap files, and when not to use them altogether.
(touches kswapd0 cpu problem)
For a more in-depth abstract consideration of when and whether to use swap, see old tech bloke - to swap or not
Most of the time when my computer starts to need swap, I see a massive spike in CPU usage (kswapd0 is consistently using 99%-100% CPU). According to top, the time is spent in sy (system