83 private links
easy-to-use command-line/curses/web plaintext accounting tool; a modern and largely compatible Haskell rewrite of Ledger - simonmichael/hledger
hledger makes use of plaintextaccounting principles and can read files in *ledger format, as well as csv files.
Additional accounting ideas and configuration possibilities are discussed here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20012499.
Quickstart help can be found here: https://hledger.org/quickstart.html
Full manual is available here: https://hledger.org/accounting.html, containing many ideas, workflows, and tutorials for accounting in general and hledger in specific.
A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautiful, readable PDF, EPUB, or HTML docs. - danburzo/percollate
Using dmenu to directly seach through youtube results and add the resulting video into mpv.
Could be adapted to use my umpv
script, and remove some of the required programs.
I would like to generate a random string (e.g. passwords, user names, etc.). It should be possible to specify the needed length (e.g. 13 chars).
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c13
where head dictates how many characters you get.
You can then e.g. pipe it into an echo
command or into a clipboard program or similar.
Interesting BibTeX manager, could replace Jabref for simple cmd line operations.
Some notable features (mentioned by author):
- vim keys
- search in Crossref (recommended), Google Scholar and search by pdf file's metadata (provided by pdfinfo),
- create sub-libraries from commandline
- automatically / manually manage and rename pdf files based on BibTeX entry that you searched in Step 1
- notes
Somewhat similar to activitywatch, etc.
Takes snapshots of currently open/active windows and their titles. (By default every 60s, can be more fine-grained.)
Snapshots can then be reviewed and tagged automatically through writing a categorization config file,
e.g. tagging all browser titles with ^.*//scholar.google.com/.*$
as Research, or as Research:Papers, to get even more finegrained.
Allows idle-detection and tagging to remove.
Data can be exported out to .log
files or to csv files.
Index Your Markdown-Based Journal With Yaml Front Matter!
Going over shell integration for taskwarrior (e.g. show warning over tasks without next action, remind of tasks still waiting, etc)
Displays images with terminal colors, needing no X andpresumably working over ssh
In ZSH you can increase your productivity with aliases. This post explains 5 types of aliases that you should know. Boost your shell productivity now and make ZSH your own
The zsh shell offers countless options and features. Here are 5 ways to boost your efficiency from the command line.
Advanced aliases are interesting (e.g. aliases based on file ending)
What can I type at my shell (which happens to be bash) that will list all the commands that are recognized?
Also, does this differ by shell? Or do all shells just have a "directory" of commands they know about?
simplest version:
compgen -c
to list all commands
syncable with caldav (experimental)
Google Calendar Command Line Interface. Contribute to insanum
Firefox Reader View as a Linux command line tool. Extracts the 'readable' part of a webpage and removes all the cruft. Written in C so has to be compiled yourself (no AUR package available yet for now).
Find synonyms in 15 different languages directly from your terminal. - smallwat3r
:speech_balloon: Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc. - soimort
GitHub - blinry/habitctl: Minimalist command line tool you can use to track and examine your habits.
Habit-tracker for your commandline! Quick entry, easy history and visualizations!
A command line launcher inspired by Alfred.
Can be invoked to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Configured through a yaml file.
Can be incorporated into e.g. fzf due to its commandline nature, or called from sxhkd, through rofi,..