Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 37 (September 9, 2019)

Automatically deploy from gitlab to a server with traefik routing

docker gitlab ssl traefik autodeploy

GitHub - go-gitea/gitea: Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service

Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service - go-gitea

(fork of gogs with more advancements)

GitHub - jonashackt/molecule-ansible-docker-vagrant: Example project showing how to test Ansible roles with Molecule using Testinfra and a multiscenario approach with Docker, Vagrant & AWS EC2 as infrastructure providers

Example project showing how to test Ansible roles with Molecule using Testinfra and a multiscenario approach with Docker, Vagrant & AWS EC2 as infrastructure providers - jonashackt

Routing with traefik using the example of Gitea / Jenkins / ttyd
Todoist Subreddit

So many todoist guides / templates / ideas / integrations

Getting started - Kubernetes

Various docker tools to learn

especially single-cluster setups like

  • minikube
  • microk8s
  • kind (kubernetes in docker)

and more

mimeo, an intelligent alternative to xdg-utils : linux

a really small, but pretty ingenious alternative: mimi - goes from a (XDG compliant, yay) config file mimi.conf where you can set defaults to the usual .desktop files in a generality search

homelab subreddit wiki

host your own stuff from home

build it cheap, build it pricey, do whatever you want

Summon by cyberark - inject secrets as environment variables into projects
Solution for password manager : qutebrowser & linux

presumably compatible with gopass , gopass rofi, pass, and other linux pw managers

OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (in plain English)

The best talk on OAuth and OpenID:

  • Oauth history
  • Oauth theory (backchannel, frontchannel, authorization tokens, access tokens, client secrets, ...)
  • Difference between Authorization / Authentication
  • OpenID as an extension of Oauth2
  • ID Tokens and standartization
GitHub - drone/drone: Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform

Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform - drone

GitHub - wger-project/wger: Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout and weight tracker written with Django

Self hosted FLOSS fitness

fitness and diet tracker