Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 36 (September 2, 2019)

MicroK8s - Fast, Light, Upstream Developer Kubernetes
BashGuide - Greg's Wiki - Bash Learning Resources
FrontPage - BitlBee Wiki

Connect all sorts of instant messagers - can work with (irc) programs like irssi and weechat

Can connect facebook, telegram, skype, irc, icq, aim, discord, ....

GitHub - vimoutliner/vimoutliner: Work fast, think well.

outliner for vim - some features of scrivener. perhaps also good for note-taking?

Note: Ricing & interesting Dotfiles


Dotfiles: For organization

  • rememberYou/dotfiles - incredibly organized dotfiles, used it as a template to build mine off of. Follows XDG specification to the extreme

Dotfiles: For applications/scripts/usability:

  • maledorak/LABS uses ansible to set up arch, contains scripts to unify package management for arch/debian/gentoo(?), contains interesting dmenu scripts
  • halfwit/dotfiles lots of interesting dmenu applications, in dmenusearch (uses the bang concept somewhat)
  • elenapan/dotfiles an actually insanely scripted and customized setup, and a couple older versions (uses awesomewm)
  • wbthomason/dotfiles awesome nvim configuration (and organization), might be more good stuff (like polybar/i3)
  • Dauliac/dotfiles - using chezmoi, templating, git scripts, zathura settings
  • ruifm/dotfiles - scripts for a bar, latex settings, and odds and ends
  • mschwartz/dotfiles -- interesting daily/monthly/yrl backup scripts, install scripts for programs
  • maximbaz/dotfiles -- using custom pkgbuild repo for automated arch setup
  • ReekyMarko/dotfiles -- clever way of managing secrets: reading from (go)pass output into env-var on startup; propagating that env-var to the programs that need it
  • neeasade/dotfiles -- uses custom theming template which can be dynamically loaded? has a few custom scripts for it, not organized very well
  • YodaEmbedding/dotfiles -- neat organization, has a layout somewhat akin to my current one
  • klaxalk/linux-setup -- vim runs everywhere, tmux runs always, nicely documented in wiki
  • kyazdani42/dotfiles -- simple, neat x11 dotfiles
  • meribold/dotfiles -- very nicely documented decisions for basic things like git shortcuts, jump key, gpg settings, etc. , especially look into bash aliases and scripts, and how e-mail sending and carddav phone sync is set up
  • bluz71/dotfiles -- contains ssh default security setup; extensive fd,rg,fzf cmdline/vim settings
  • hexdsl/dots -- functionality and explanation, beautiful (and uses gitlab)
  • uuouu/dotfiles -- a lot of scripts and functionality; but buried in somewhat non-sensical names
  • Tsubajashi/mpv-settings -- mpv configuration only
  • ksevelyar/dotfiles -- complete nixOS configuration
  • naggie/dotfiles - perhaps the most workflow oriented dotfiles I have seen - good explanation of tools and general ideas
  • BachoSeven/dotfiles - configuration for a lot of different applications
  • salman-abedin/alfred - alfred is a suite of scripts, toggling dunst do-not-disturb mode, syncing packages, battery stuff, backlight, and so on
  • aduros/dotfiles - mostly interesting for scripts; general open /preview script, phone backup script, etc
  • vincentbernat/i3wm-configuration - an intensely modded i3 configuration, with much python scripting. Additionally, an interesting way to manage i3wm sessions with systemd, very organized
  • jbh/dotfiles - Contains many dmenu scripts that seem useful (dmenu-vpn, dmenu-bluetooth, dmenu-tmux, dmenu-configs)

Dotfiles: For asthetics:

  • maximbaz/df very gruvbox integrated de, almost everything is themed
  • shub/dotfiles simpler, but elegant rusty-colored setup, contains some scipts
  • nbockisch/i3-rice as the name implies mainly concerned with i3; simple, minimal rice but interesting ideas to get uniform look
  • ictinaetus/dotfiles - good demonstration of gaps and blur, some use of polybar (for e.g. spotify)
  • alfonx/dotfiles - there's no place like ~, nice rusty look and integration of colorscheme; also a lot of custom settings for programs
  • thelazt16/dotfiles - retrofuture galore, especially interesting for bspwm, polybar, rofi-wifi, and smooth volume change notifications (using dunst)
  • elenapan/dotfiles -- pretty, unified set-up; especially for vim. simple, minimal and yet function. Well organized;
  • alpinebloat -- simple clean elegant; uses one colorscheme for everything; dwm based; urxvt-deamon client setup with image display in term

Vim configurations:

  • Balacksuan19/init.nvim -- up-to-date, supposed to be minimal; lazy-loads plugins with vimplug, uses mainly ale and coc for linting and completion; makes use of floating windows; might steal a lot of neatness from this
  • GideonWolfe/vim.reaper -- markdown/latex live-compilation; ultisnips for snippets, tabnine for completion
  • Scott of Doist - not too many plugins, and good explanation of them (plus suitable for prose)
  • amix/vimrc - extensive vim configuration
  • rafi/vim-config really extensive nvim config
  • beauwilliams/Dotfiles - well-documented neo -vim configuration! Using telescope.nvim and some other modern goodies, could be used as a starting point to refactor into lua configuration

Browser Startpages:



  • terminal.sexy - create terminal color schemes, or pick from default ones
  • base16-shell - set base16 colors on terminal with a script
$15 Production Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean | 5π Consulting
Ignore join/part/quit messages in WeeChat – obda.net

An arch-based penetration testing distribution and package repository

GitHub - ardagnir/athame: Full vim for your shell (bash, zsh, gdb, python, etc)

Runs your whole shell through a vim buffer. In other words, it gives you access to the full (!) functionality of vim in the shell - even your vim plugins!

GitHub - mtth/scratch.vim: Unobtrusive scratch window
GitHub - chriskempson/base16: An architecture for building themes
Shell: Wait for another process to end before executing something
Parsing bash script options with getopts - Kevin Sookocheff
hastebin - online code sharing made easy

Pastebin alternative for easy code sharing. Can even be run from the commandline. Looks good.

scripts · master · vahnrr / rofi-menus · GitLab

Rofi scripts and themes for 4 different menus

Cool uses for dmenu/rofi/fzf? : archlinux
vim-remembrall - Vim Awesome

Remember your keymappings: Opens a quickfix window to visualize your vim keymappings

GitHub - amix/vim-zenroom2: A Vim extension that emulates iA Writer environment when editing Markdown, reStructuredText or text files

Goyo extension for distraction free writing

Plugin features in detail · mhinz/vim-startify Wiki · GitHub
The tao of pooh audiobook full

a taoist philosphy encapsulated in Winnie the Pooh

Damn Small Linux

Linux in 50mb. Can be run as LiveCD, from USB stick, or even from within Windows (!).

Everyday LaTeX and workflow? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
GitHub - adnanh/webhook: webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands

get a hook from the web, run a script locally
(or other way round)

vim-startify/README.md at master · mhinz/vim-startify · GitHub

Vim startup screen

GitHub - tomtom/vikibase_vim: A slimmed down viki plugin (a personal wiki for vim)

This plugin provides a slimmed-down |ftplugin| (with respect to the original
viki[0] vimscript #861)) with support for syntax highlighting, indentation, and

Some features are delegated to other plugins. Support for hyperlinking is
provided by the autolinker plugin[1]. Support for folding by the foldtext

-- especially the autolinker looks incredibly useful; can be customized like gf but also can invoke a custom function (e.g. to build ZK links) and do multi-file selections, can link to lines or individual strings within files!

[0] https://github.com/tomtom/viki_vim
[1] https://github.com/tomtom/autolinker_vim
[2] https://github.com/tomtom/foldtext_vim

GitHub - wstam88/rofi-fontawesome: fontawesome icon list for rofi dmenu
Small getopts tutorial [Bash Hackers Wiki]

Passing flags to bash functions
Bash function argument parsing
Sh Zsh all work with getops

more in-depth explanation here: https://links.martyoeh.me/?E2EpAg

GitHub - jarun/Buku: Browser-independent bookmark manager

Can be combined (as a library) with shaarli so that it functions as a backend - but there seems to be no implementation currently, so that one would have to be written in python.

GitHub - msprev/fzf-bibtex: a BibTeX source for fzf
Kite - AI Autocomplete and Docs for Python

Machine Learning and use it to autocomplete intelligently while coding. Seems kind of incredible.

VPN - Wireguard's the new BOSS! · Nifty tidbits!

Wireguard as personal VPN server

Foundations of a Programmable Society - YouTube
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide