83 private links
script to implement GTD workflow better with taskwarrior
- Reminder to do a mini mind sweep, making sure there are no free-floating things
- Project review, where it dumps the pending tasks of each project one by one, and prompts to make any updates (record new tasks, mark tasks done, etc) in another shell
- +next review, where it prompts me to select exactly one +next task for projects that have not exactly one +next task (this is a personal preference)
- Reminder to process e-mail, turn into Taskwarrior items as appropriate in another shell
- Reminder to check last two weeks and next two weeks in calendars, turn into Taskwarrior items as appropriate in another shell
- Dumps my +someday tasks for review
- Dumps my +in tasks, bugs me until they're all gone (by processing them in another shell)
- Runs task sync
Contexts work wonderful for task segregation.
Link contains a simple demonstration of filtering through contexts,
as well as a script with which tags get automatically applied depending on the context one is in (though, does that make sense? I might think of a +Personal task to be done while in my +Work context)
"For your purpose, I would recommend to use contexts based on projects. I use that approach as well and works well with subprojects. Add to your taskrc: context.home: project.hasnt:work context.work: project:work You can switch between contexts: task context work task context home Or completely unset the context to see all tasks independent of the project task context none More about context in the docs For your Jira tickets I would add them to a subproject work.jira so you can filter them by issuing: task project:work.jira Eventually you could just use tags within your project so you can filter them with: task +jira Or a combination of project + tags"
+Tag -> broad life section
project: -> actual project with beginning and end (can be in life section)
+tag -> context of task (where, with whom, etc see GTD)
Good idea for task hierarchy organization in tw:
"I mostly stick with tags, tasks, and subtasks for the structure, with priorities for informal now/soon/eventually scheduling.
Still working out how best to describe broader goals and domains.
Top-level projects kind of work (I have "Site" and "Work" as top-level projects with subprojects for specific projects or narrower domains), but there can be overlap. There's also the "Work is never done" aspect of using top-level projects as domains. It plays hell with your project statistics and keeps that endorphin rush of completion forever out of reach.
I experimented with a UDA for domains. It cluttered things up and was just reinventing tags, poorly.
Current experiment, started about 15 seconds ago: since tags are case-sensitive, use CamelCase to indicate domain: +Work or +Site for example. We'll see how that works out!
And potentially useful tip: tasksh includes a nifty "review" feature for that weekly triage."
Quick explanation of traggo's authorization scheme for interacting with the graphql. Does not seem to be documented anywhere else.
Somewhat similar to activitywatch, etc.
Takes snapshots of currently open/active windows and their titles. (By default every 60s, can be more fine-grained.)
Snapshots can then be reviewed and tagged automatically through writing a categorization config file,
e.g. tagging all browser titles with ^.*//scholar.google.com/.*$
as Research, or as Research:Papers, to get even more finegrained.
Allows idle-detection and tagging to remove.
Data can be exported out to .log
files or to csv files.
To-do list & time tracker for programmers and other digital workers with Jira, Github, and Gitlab integration - johannesjo
Index Your Markdown-Based Journal With Yaml Front Matter!
syncable with caldav (experimental)
Google Calendar Command Line Interface. Contribute to insanum
Two-way Sync of Todoist and Taskwarrior
Business chats, one-click conference calls and shared documents — all protected with end-to-end encryption. Welcome to the most secure collaboration platform.
I believe it is closed source.
GitHub - blinry/habitctl: Minimalist command line tool you can use to track and examine your habits.
Habit-tracker for your commandline! Quick entry, easy history and visualizations!
Note organization system
personal knowledge base system,
somewhat based on Notion, somewhat on GTD
Obsidian: A knowledge base that works on local Markdown files.
Personal knowledge base, personal wiki -like putting emphasis on links and back-links
Taskwarrior terminal user interface. tui
The CLI task manager for power users. Contribute to ad-si
Can show you a break-down of how you spent your day
Fully functional web interface:
add, view, list tasks, projects, annotations
looking at the various connections and integrations with taskwarrior
goes over basics of task management and contexts
covers advanced features from ~:55 onwards
- Taskserver
- Context aliasing
- UDAs (user defined attributes), used e.g. for custom weights and extended urgencies
- DOM management (directly access tw dom, useful for e.g. bash scripts)
- hooks
- tasklio
- taskwiki