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I want a python function that takes a pdf and returns a list of the text of the note annotations in the document. I have looked at python-poppler
- Spaced repetition: People retain information better when they practice retrieval over spaced intervals. These intervals can be increasingly spread out over time. (http://www.few.vu.nl/~vbr240/publications/Scriptie.pdf)
- Interleaving: Interleaving and varied practice help us better assess context and discriminate between problems, selecting and applying the correct solution from a range of possibilities. Note: The order of interleaved topics needs to be shuffled) (Rohrer, D. (2012). Interleaving helps students distinguish among similar concepts. Educational Psychology Review, 24, 355-367.)
- Retrieval Practice: During focused, effortful recall, learning is made pliable again. The most salient aspects become clearer and the consequent reconsolidation helps reinforce meaning, strengthen connections to prior knowledge, bolster cues and retrieval routes, and weaken competing routes. The more difficult it is to retrieve the knowledge, the more you get out of the practice. (https://www.kent.edu/CAS/Psychology/resources/cml/upload/Pyc-Rawson-2009-JML-pdf.pdf; https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0098628314549701)
- Generative Learning: Trying to come up with an answer, even before a solution has been presented. Leads to better learning and stronger retention, even if the answer is wrong. (https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1428-6_171)
- Elaboration: The process of finding additional layers of meaning in the material. Connect it to other ideas, expand on it, create metaphors. (Make it Stick - Peter Brown,Henry Roediger,Mark McDaniel)
The fastest wiki and knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, feature rich, markdown compatible and open source. - outline
This video series on how to study represents the latest in cognitive research on how people learn and Samford University professor Stephen Chew's many years of experience teaching undergraduates.
With an interface to automatically capture snapshots to shaarli, this would be really useful (and vice versa, automatic importing of shaarli snippets)
General Knowledge PKB
Research Paper Structure, Workflow etc
based on the q3r system
Notetaking - Notion, Workflowy, Dynalist Alternative.
Open Source
Self Hosted
Expandable Bullet Points
In a structured tagging system, children should automatically receive the tag from parents as well.
Programming > JavaScript
Programming > Css
Anything tagged either js or css should automatically receive the appropriate parent tag.
Tags and folders
Tags are essentially virtual folders already
So, tags should have the option to be turned into 'primary tags' or folders via a checkmark
Any item can only contain one primary tag
All child/parent tags will be converted to primary tags (essentially making that trunk of the tree a folder trunk)
A parallel folder structure will be created for all the tags under which the files tagged with the tag will now live
If a file results in multiple primary tags after turning a tag into a primary tag either
- conflict has to be decided manually, and only selected primary tag is kept
- both tags will stay on item, it will exist in one directory as actual file, in one as symlink to actual file
Tags can be 'related' to one another not just through child/parent but sibling (or 'cousin') relationships, though i dont know how this wouldbe visualized / affect the structual tree