83 private links
File manager built in rust, configured through lua.
Seems pretty configurable and follows a vim-like mode (or 'layer') key binding structure.
As of now still somewhat in-development and no static lua api visible, or documented very well (but actively developed).
Create a qr code on the terminal to either send or receive files from. Primarily created to exchange files with your mobile phone over wifi.
Simple, quick and efficient static file server while still not looking bad.
Very similar to tools like gossa and rossa, but seems like a blend of the latter's simplicity and the first one's slight design flourishes.
Non-widget utilities for awesome: contains a main/side layout among several others and useful modules such as flash focus, wallpapers, scratchpads, tag (workspace) hover previews and more.
Alternatively, scratchpad-approximation is also handled by poppin.
A brief (yet in-depth) introduction to AwesomeWM and working with and configuring it.
Contains some restic backup strategy ideas and advice
Introduction of various possibilities of HDD/SSD monitoring and changing settings (caching, sleep, speed, etc.) with the help of hdparm
Official repository for community contributed blocklets.
scripts and helper modules for i3blocks - but can presumably be adapted for polybar/yambar/lemonbar etc
Adding a rockpi as a network device to a host pc. I.e. networking over usb. Could be useful for low-latency vnc streaming.
Connecting ipad to raspberry (over usb vnc, so latency should be minimal) to enable a linux desktop experience (ssh or vnc).
Then connect a keyboard and you should be off to the races.
Extensive hardening guide from kernel, firewalls, swap, to userspace and more, covering pretty much all eventualities
Most flexible solution to the problem should be some variation of:
find $DIRECTORY -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
To switch between headphones and speakers in pulseaudio activated pc quickly:
pactl set-sink-port [YOUR AUDIO CARD] analog-output-headphones | analog-output-speakers
A terminal workspace with batteries included. Contribute to zellij-org/zellij development by creating an account on GitHub.
Steps to take to declutter the home directory in linux -- with the most drastic being setting it to read-only.
A very gentle introduction to the terminal and working with shell environments for researchers.
"TMSU is a tool for tagging your files. It provides a simple command-line utility for applying tags and a virtual filesystem to give you a tag-based view of your files from any other program.
TMSU does not alter your files in any way: they remain unchanged on disk, or on the network, wherever your put them. TMSU maintains its own database and you simply gain an additional view, which you can mount where you like, based upon the tags you set up."
Interesting application of file tagging with a sqlite db in the background. Can be used to view your files in a virtual fs as tagged and so on. On the other hand, the vfs makes use of soft links and not hard links like I would have presumed.
Use ranger as chrome file picker dialog. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
linux - Integration of afuse user-level automounter with sshfs as a systemd service spawned from login for local users - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Ends up creating a folder on the home directory which automatically creates virtual directories, e.g. if you ls to folder/user@server.com
it will ssh to the respective server and mount it. Only works with key-based authorization (afaik) and you need to have the server mounted or connected at least once before to add it to known hosts (or disabled known hosts, but I don't recommend that).
I am having some troubles with it (stuck shell on opening a new terminal) which I believe is due to the service type being forking but sshfs/ssh not quite forking into the background.
A simple systemd mount unit (with systemd-automount) also works well.
Using network usage monitoring tools in linux: IPTraf, iftop, nethog
Whereas the first two show usage per port/ip, nethog does so per running user process.
In this article, we will explain a few tools that will allow you to check network usage per process in your Linux system. These tools include IPTraf, Iftop and Nethog. With the help of these tools, you can identify which process or port number is draining much of the network bandwidth.